In the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee the Platform will find and discover your entire organisations security keys, off and on premise, with clever reporting for key reuse, duplication and for finding uninvited guests!
Protection is immediate from the widening attack vectors organisations are facing. The patent pending automation process shrinks the attack surface with intelligent crypto-reduction policies, in addition to creating a moving target defence around your multi-cloud environment.
What is a Key Security Automation (KSA) Platform?
• The capability to automate key discovery across the enterprise
• Providing an inventory of all certificates and providing every detail about them, including exactly where and why they are being used in your infrastructure.
• Enabling automatic certificate renewal, so you can eliminate any cumbersome and error-prone manual monitoring and renewal requirements.
• Automatically placing certificates with their associated processes when they are created, imported, or renewed.
• Rotating the keys for all your certificates automatically, on a schedule or in response to a potential breach. Automation options provide the rotation to be as low as minutes or hours rather than months and years to reduce the success of an attack.
• Automating revocation, a best-practice process to eliminate vulnerabilities based on old certificates and keys.
• Securing your last mile. Embracing all instances, QAI can provide full visibility.
• Complete visibility and control of the security environment from its singe pain of glass console.
Ntrinsec is a an automated solution that is a moving target that the bad actors can’t keep up with.
No product has ever accomplished and rectified the key challenges left unresolved and vulnerable to compromise. We are Protecting the connected with continuous key security management and control.
Quantum Ready Security
A targeted Key attack and Quantum Encryption attacks has never been circumvented. The release of Ntrinsec KSA offers the automation of identity keys into a lifecycle process.
Intelligent Crypto-Reduction
Ntrinsec patent pending automation process shrinks the attack surface with intelligent crypto-reduction policies, in addition to creating a moving target defence around your multi-cloud environment.
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them (outpace the attack).
Once we accept our limits, we can go beyond them (its time to automate)
Detect, Secure, Automate and Protect ….. repeat ….. continuously
No user is left unprotected from key compromise. Ntrinsec will find all the keys, protect and control access to these and will provide administration capabilities to reduce the spread of key sprawl.
Leveraging automation provides continuous key discovery and dynamically rotating keys; enables organisations an unbreakable way to combat the biggest, systemic source of successful cyber-attacks: key compromise.
The key to reduce an Organisations risk score by more than 50% !